Eine/ Een/ Uno/ One Year

march 26 the blog turned one and i turned another year older.
it's been ups and downs the past year - however the obsessions and procrastinations that this blog created, made it that much easier to deal with everything.

thank YOU!

-image via gordon burniston


A Collection a Day

how adorable are these? artist Lisa Congdon photographs or draws (and occasionally paints) one of her collections.

- via swissmiss

communally woven blankets

Travis Meinolf's project at the Vancouver Art Gallery is beyond just being eye pleasing - the woolen blankets will be given out to protect people from the coldest Canadian winter months.

See more here

- via


Chalkboard Books

how adorable are these books? and they even come with their own library card. buy yours here

- via poppytalk

Crystal Clear

i've been into anything and everything crystals lately - even started to purchase some of these

(sorry) last image source unknown

rby45rpm / spring 2010

i think i just fell in love!!!!
how beautiful are those denim & indigo works, i can not wait to go to NYC & hit up their stores. see the rest of their look-book here


The Matchbook Registry

this is a site, even non smokers can enjoy
and let me tell you - i sure do!


(feel free to buy it for me)

Stay Calm & Keep Warm

i'm feeling under the weather today and all i long for is to wear a pair of these hand made woven moccasins

-first seen here